It was a smooth Wednesday for getting work done!

This morning during Math, students were introduced to our third unit on Geometry and Measurement. To begin, students were given different nets to cut and fold into different polyhedrons. We started our next creative writing activity for The Tell-Tale Heart. This time students had to imagine that they are one of the police officers who were called to the Old Man's house to investigate a disturbance that was reported, ultimately discovering the Old Man's dismembered body under the floorboards. Students are to write a police report about their visit to the Old Man's house and their interactions with the Villain of the story. For Gym, students went to the park for an epic game of Ultimate Frisbee. During Science, we looked at environmental impacts on biodiversity. We ended the day with French, where students continued working on creating their own restaurant and menu.


Language: Finish question 4 of the Time Stoppers activity. You are to create a dialogue between the Old Man and the Villain. Within the dialogue, the Villain must reveal why he wants to murder the Old Man. Time Stoppers is due tomorrow.

Science: Finish question about how humans impact biodiversity - pg. 21 in duo-tang or pg. 19 online.


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