A bit of a snow day for a Friday!

It was a small class today due to the weather. Instead of doing our usual classwork, we spent the day watching nature documentaries and playing educational games. We started the morning figuring out some matchstick challenges and afterwards played some different math games. We did a bit of work on practising our last descriptive writing activity but got distracted watching a documentary about the secret lives of cats. After the documentary, we played an epic game of pairs in badminton. When we came in from lunch, students practised portrait drawing or worked on their Kaiju art assignment. The kids chose to watch another beautiful and inspiring documentary called My Octopus Teacher, while they worked on their art. We ended the day by playing some football in the snow!


Math: Finish questions 1-2 on pg. 76-77 in the Math workbook.

Language: Finish the description for the "My Pencil" writing activity. 

Science: Finish question on What is Chemistry? - pg. 4


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