It was a fun and productive snowy Tuesday!

We started our first unit review in Math this morning. Students began working on review questions based on fractions and decimals covered during this unit. For Language, students continued to work on their Utopia Project. Students are now in the process of creating their own brochures to advertise the utopia that they've created. We had a really fun and relaxing Art class today! Students spent the period painting their giant monsters, adding colour and character to their sculptures. For History, we had a great final class discussion about the Loyalists and then started our introduction to the War of 1812. We started our introduction by watching the PBS docudrama called The War of 1812. We ended the day with a FLEX period where students got to work on any unfinished assignments.


Math: Complete 4 of the 10 review questions on pg. 95-96 in the Math workbook.

Language: Work on Utopia Project. It is due on March 2nd. The "Quick Write" on Perfection is due March 3rd.

Science: Take-Home Project on Pure Substances and Mixtures is due March 3rd.


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