It was a fun end to the week!

This morning during Math, students recorded their final observations and handed in their Sasquatch Sightings graphing assignment. After the first break, we went to Dow's Lake where students filmed some nature scenes for their Video for Change project. Students filmed scenes in their groups to bring awareness to topics such as climate change and invasive species, like the Zebra mussel. After lunch, we had Science and finished our unit on Pure Substances and Mixtures. Today students explored different methods for separating mixtures. We also had a great class discussion on how different industries in the energy production sector (oil, nuclear power, recycling) also use mixture separation strategies. We ended the day with a FLEX period where students got to work on any unfinished assignments.


Language: Finish Quick Write on Famous. Complete vocab words 1-45.

History: The War of 1812 newspaper assignment is now due. 


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