Lots of smiles today!
This morning during Math, students presented their solution for the "P's Garden" question. It was great to see the different ways students tackled this problem-based question. It was a fun opportunity for students to learn from and with each other. For Language, we continued with another Quick Write on War. We then spent some time as a class discussing both characters and conflicts within the novel. During Gym, we went to either catch up on our Videos for Change filming or play soccer. After lunch, for Science, we learned about both internal and external forces that act upon a structure. For Geography, We investigated the natural and human factors that impact the shaping of various landforms. Students were fascinated to learn about the Continental Drift Theory and the different layers of the Earth. Next, we will be analyzing land reclamation projects that are happening around the world!
Language: Work on conflicts within the novel. Complete vocab words 1-58. Quick Write: War.
Science: Finish questions on Internal and External Forces.
Geography: The Map of Canada assignment is now due.
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