It was a beautiful day to hang out in the sun!

This morning, students learned about finding the surface area of a cylinder. We broke down the formula into different steps and learned why the formula is the way it is. For example, the middle shape in a cylinder is actually a rectangle that wraps around two circles, which are its bases. The length of the rectangle has to be the circumference of the circles, which is also the height of the cylinder. Students have a work package of five questions that are due tomorrow. After Math, we went as a class down to Dow's Lake to check out the Tulip Festival! We had a great time eating snacks and checking out all the beautiful tulips. We ended the day with Geography where we learned about the characteristics of natural vegetation regions.


Math: Surface Area and volume questions of a cylinder.

Language: Finish writing the three paragraphs (body) for the essay. The essay is due on May 26.

Science: Finish questions on Structural Failure - pg. 26

Geography: Finish Characteristics of Natural Vegetation Region questions.

Art: Videos for Change is due May 26.

Health: Exploring Substances presentation is due Friday.


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