It was a busy Tuesday!

This morning we finished two daily Math challenges on the Area of a Circle. Students either worked individually or with a partner on these challenges. We are working on estimating and then doing calculations to find an exact answer. Tomorrow we are exploring the volume of a cylinder.  For Language, we were busy taking all of our main points and supporting details from our essay graphic organizer and are now putting them into proper paragraphs. We then continued with our symmetry drawings during Art. Today students looked for a portrait-style picture of a person of their choice to make their final symmetry drawing. After lunch, we continued to work on our Climate Graphs for Geography. This assignment will be due on Friday. We ended the day checking out Heritage Academy's first Entrepreneur Fair! It was a really fun event, where students were able to sell their own handmade items while learning how to run their own entrepreneurial businesses. 


Math: Finish Circle Slideshow. Watch Math Antic Videos and complete the Google Form Questionnaire. Due Friday.

Language: Students should be finishing their three paragraphs for the body of their essays. Essays are due on May 26.

Science: Complete Forces that Act on Bridges questions.

Geography: Climate Graphy assignment is due Friday.


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