Today was filled with smiles, cookies and a little fun in the sun!

Today marked the final day for students to create a budget that aligns with their long-term goals. In class, students were taught some useful tips for using Google Sheets, which proved to be an effective tool for budget creation. During our Language class, we continued with our popular "Hero's Journey" activity. Yesterday, we watched Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse and broke down the 12 steps of the hero's journey for Miles Morales. The students then used the same steps to create their own slideshow for a movie they watched at home. Upon completion, they will be using HeroForge to create their own hero. In the afternoon, we visited the "Bread By Us" bakery and took a tour. The students were thrilled to sample various cookies, with the double chocolate cookies being the clear favourite. We ended the day by playing games as a class at Reid Park.

Hello! Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow is our desk and locker clean-out day. Kindly refer to our "end of the year" email for more information about the upcoming days. We kindly request all students to bring a bag with them to school tomorrow to carry their belongings. Thank you!


Language: Spend some time working on your "Hero's Journey" slideshow.


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